Thursday, April 17, 2008
The birthday 2009 blog entry
I feel so loved by my friends and loved ones today. Don was the first to sms me(at midnight somemore)! Thanks so much bro! Next was my sister at 1.20 am. After that was wonderful my girlfriend, Amie, at 630 am. Got a birthday song from her somemore! Hehe, both english and chinese version also have... wah I tan diok! hehe, after that "Xiong Di" msned me happy birthday when I went to office. Mun msned me after that, around 8 i think. Piggy smsed me happy birthday right before lunch time at 1110. Rebecca and Yogi sent me emails. What a day! Well... my day was basically wake up, go to work, come back home, exercise, sleep. Nothing special huh?
Friday, March 21, 2008
Summerrr in the land of kolorrr
I'm melting!!! I used to think that Singapore is hot... Kolorrrful land is even hotter!!! Just that I don't perspire as much because it's not so humid here as opposed to Sg. Back home, when its hot my body will feel the heat. But over here, even my legs will feel the burning so you can imagine how hot it is huh. Oh and yes, it's summer here all the way till may and I'll be here all the way till july!!! Mati jiak loti already man! Luckily I'll be back every now and then if not I'm sure I'll be cooked. Lionel does not like the heat in kolorrrland. Lionel is burning in kolorrrland. But Lionel Will continue to bite the bullet in kolorrrland. Almost 12 hours work days, 6 days a week are taking a toll on me. I'm down with a sorethroat, phlegm and cough now. Guess it must be a mix of the fatigue and weather. But it's actually ok because there's really so much to learn but so little time. Well, company spent so much money to send me here so I have to work hard also. A chance of a life is almost zilch though since my saturdays are desecrated hahaha and I'm usually too tired on sundays anyway. Only one sunday I went to SM Megamall and ate at Wendy's(shrimp burger is wicked), bought DVDs(back to the future trilogy here is 23 bucks!!! Original somemore!!!) and bought bonuts from Krispy Kreme. Frankly, I don't know what's the buzz about kk donuts(only that they serve free donuts while you're in the queue). It's not that fantastic but grossly overrated, especially by Singaporeans(get a life lah). I prefer pop-doh from Taka any day!
I miss shopping...
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Patal si kin si Gloria!!!
That means “out with gloria!” I was on my way out of the factory this afternoon and there was a street demonstration, MY FIRST TIME EXPERIENCING A STREET DEMONSTRATION!!! Led at the front with a motorcade of bikers, followed by a lorry with loudspeakers and then a large group of people at the back. They were shouting “patal si kin si Gloria!” and holding banners! hahaha it was so interesting, even my driver, Jack, joined in shouting the anti Gloria Arroyo chants(and of course, in the car) even though he didn’t mean it. I wanted to do it too but since it’s not my country and because I don’t wanna go to jail, I better not join in the “fun” lest I’m sent behind bars :D I guess if that ever happens in back at home, all the protestors will get a one way ticket to jail for eternity!
Recently, I’ve been down with a flu and a cough. Because of that, I’m unable to enter the production area of else all the stuff there will get contaminated! Sucks when I can’t get to enter that place. Its really very interesting because I get to see how different chocolates products are being made. Not only chocolates but hard candy, eclairs, biscuits and wafer too! TNTC lah! You get to see it being manufactured from raw materials to the final product! Watched Charlie and the chocolate factory? Come to where I am stationed, you ain’t seen nothing yet! This time its Lionel and the chocolate factory! Lagi best! :P
Oh yeah, and I didn't fly on the airbus 777 :( I took the boeing 777, which as usual SUCKS! Lucky I was sitting on the front seat so I can stretch my legs! Pity those poor suckers who're not sitting in the front or not in first class though, especially all the white people(because they're so tall). The only consolation I had was krisworld. I managed to watch 3/4 of american gangster. Will remind myself to complete the show on my way back! In any case, I miss my airbus 777... Though I think I'll still be flying boeing on my way back... Hope im sitting infront again! Wish me luck!!!
Friday, February 29, 2008
I'm nolonger grounded, HALLELUYAH!!!!
OK! Back to the land of KOLORR :P Wanna make a guess where that is? Philippines lah. Fell sick there because of work. Didn't eat because of the work there and in the end I got gastric and it in turn affected my breathing and gave me a headache. Wasn't able to work for 3 days! On the plane, ascending was ok but descending was a problem because it made my headache worse! Hope my coming trip is much better than the last one. One thing is, I'm looking forward to the shopping again(because its cheap) but that's about it(I haven't had anything good yet... Waiting for my mommy to show me around first and will give an update on kolorr food when I have the tihe hehe). Indon is better though because everything there is so cheap and food is fantastic :D Cheap = Heaven
Note: I simply love flying SQ!!! I love the airbus 777 especially!!! The leg room is so spacious! When I saw my ticket I was shouting for joy!!! If there's any way to fly, fly the airbus 777!!! I dun like flying on boeing A/Cs(AirCrafts) *cough* 747 *cough* so cramp. Look nice only! But the worst culprit is Philippines airlines, plane so big but no space(for all the maids lah, damned scared of them also because they keep cutting into queues during boarding, macam dun allow them to board the A/C like that)! my legs and butt were cramp for sitting over 3 hours in that plane! In flight entertainment was craptastic. Can't wait to fly the A380 though... The indian driver said it's damned shiok. Nuff said.
~I miss my Girlfriend very much~
Thursday, February 14, 2008
The Valentine's Day 2008 blog

Don't we look good together? :P
2 years on and going strong hehe. I love you darling! And yes I will save save save so that you can come come come!!! Happy Valentine's day to you darling. Let's see it as saving up the excitement until we see each other again *MUACK* I LOVE YOU SO MUCH MUFFINS!!!! HEHEHE ~blehz~
Your honey buns,
Lionel *kiss* *kiss*
Saturday, February 02, 2008
where colour is called KOLORR...
Guess where that is... One month there, so far, and all I can say is "Isa Kanin, ito ad ito!" and "Gustoko kumain baboi," and most importantly "Maganda umaga" :P "Mahal Kita" is what I would only say to my girlfriend hehe. Still don't know what I'm talking about? Google "Mall of Asia" and you'll know where I am. Dead giveaway lah. Nice place with super big shopping centers but the only thing is, it's more expensive than SG!!! Ok... Food is reasonable but everything else is expensive!!! Imagine, Lacoste shirts costs 80++ here but there, it's almost 200 bucks!!! Crazy right? Got many Ah Kuahs and gays somemore. So disgusting... even more disgusting is the fact that I kena targeted by them... Bugger off freaks!!! What's happenning to the world?
On a positive note, My 9 days with my darling was the best 9 days I've ever had in my life! My only regret was that time was not on our sides... Well, all we have to do now is save the excitement of seeing one another till the next time we meet! Bao bei, if you're reading this, "I love you!!!" hehe
Here's a pic to sum up what we've been up to:

Will be back with an update and the answer to where I'm at!!! CIAO!!!
Saturday, December 08, 2007
They say the truth hurts
But it will set you free. I do not believe in sugar coating the painful truth, in doing so I would be a hypocrite. Ladies, how would you feel if your boyfriend belittles you and tells you you're not attractive and have bad fashion sense? If he's someone who makes you feel so ugly and convinces you that only he and no one else will accept you as his girlfriend? If he keeps scolding you for the tiniest and pettiest reasons? ...What if he almost hit you(or maybe even hit you before)? Someone who turned all your friends against him due to his tendencies as a pile of vomit. Would you want to spend the rest of your life with such a person? Don't tell me how long you've been with one another, that is of no consequence. What will the future hold for the 2 of you? A lifetime of abuse? Ask yourself this question, do you want to be used and abused? Or is it you... ENJOY being abused? From where I am brought up from, people like him are losers with a very low self esteem who bully people(YOU) to make themselves feel powerful. I'm not here to be popular, but if I do not speak THE TRUTH that means that I have no character. LISTEN and THINK! WAKE UP!!
I've seen too much of this, I cannot take it. Women being abused... Beautiful women being abused. And by whom? People who disgrace the male gender. Wait... they're not even fit to be called men. They're beasts.