Saturday, July 07, 2007

Living the expat life

Feels good... for now that is. Why? Because it's exciting! You get to live in a totally different environment. Not that our northern neighbour is that different from sg. But the thing is you're more on your toes and stuff since you read in the newspapers and stuff about the poor safety here. I'm more aware of my surroundings and stuff now. Looking back and walking against the traffic(so that motorbikes dun rob you from the back). Yeah... even taking the more inconvenient routes in the name of safety. In sg I'll be very carefree and careless but over here, everyone has to think on their feet. Even then, our safety is not even guaranteed! What to do? Just have to pray hard and hope for the best! I noticed that I've been doing stuff that I usually dun do while back home, I bring my rosary everywhere I go.

Yesterday, my family came over to pay me a visit. My uncle drove them over but they got lost haha. They paid the cab driver 5 bucks(rm10) to lead them to my place. Goodness How much I miss them! Just when I though I've more or less gotten used to staying out of the country When I saw them I was reminded about how much I miss them. We went to tebrau jusco and I bought a super large box of dunkin donuts for myself(and for Gloria, I asked her to choose some donuts for herself too) and a baskin 31 robbins ice cream for my lil sis. Basically the whole day I spent with my little sis because my mom went shopping for her stuff, I know my dad will spend the whole day at the electronics store and my uncle will walk around looking at clothes, I got quite afew brand new working clothes from him in the past haha. We walked around the shopping center and talked alot haha never thought a 23 year old guy can talk so much to a 7 year old right? I do. And the whole time I kept holding her close to me because I was afraid of kidnapping. This is not Sg remember? Anyway I finally found something I can buy now! A world time watch from seiko(I'll be travelling, remember?)! Much cheaper than sg also :P Must get it when I get my first pay check!

After mass at St. Joseph's we went to some roadside place for dinner. The food there was the kind of food that we won't get anywhere in sg. The hor fan has a charcoal taste and the food is like really the high fire(literally) types. It's nicer than in sg also! Like the authentic kampung food my mom used to tell me about! Must bring my colleagues there for makan one day! At the end of the day when my family had to go, that same feeling of dread I felt when I had to go back to sg after that fantastic week I spent with Amie overcame me. At the end of the day, being with the ones you love the most is still the best(TS included) nomatter how used you are to staying overseas. Damned true!
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