Sunday, June 04, 2006

Of Kangaroos and Koalas

I've noticed that I haven't been posting for quite awhile already! Time to kick start the habit again(I hope). Eversince I've started worrying about going back to OCS I don't think I've been properly managing my time during that period of time. News flash: my chances of going back are better now and my ex-ocs instructors are going all out to help me go back. Was very touched when one of them said to me: "Lionel, I want you to commission!". I almost cried when he said that. Convinces me that there are still good people in this world. Next stop, the commissioning parade and claiming my birthright, what was and is rightfully mine, my officership!

Was called up in the middle of the night for duty because some toad chao kenged and escaped duty leaving me, the standby, to do it! What a wussy! The worse part, I was sick and just came back from a field camp!

Oh, my uncle's family from Australia came for a visit and I brought my cousin Magdalen(Maggie) out. Took some sticker prints and had a great deal to talk about! Later we joined the TK clan and went for dinner and during dinner Basil was trying to interrogate Maggie. He wanted to find out whether she was genuinely Australian or like one of his friends who went there for afew years and came back like one them, for awhile. But being that she spent the past 19 years there and from how she spoke his final verdict, genuine. But during his Q&A session wanted to kick his butt! Like I said, it was like an interrogation session and it looked like he was giving her a hard time! After that, Mag was worried that she didn't give him the right answer(haiyo). Anyway, after dinner we hit the usual spot! Acid Bar! That night we had that indian lady singing, fantastically as usual. So we made a song a song request, If I ain't got you by alicia keys, for our chief TK Chew on his "21st birthday"! By the way, she sings better than any SG idol by leaps and bounds! So, after the song Brad raised glasses and said: "happy 21st birthday to Hendry and many more to come." Basil drove all of us back and I also thanked him for taking the trouble for driving Mag to her place when he could have left me to send her back(and blowing more "cha-ching" on the cab fare, I know I sound miserly but hey! I was broke at that time) and he said he gave her a hard time during dinner so driving her back was kind of like an apology. But it was really great of him because he drove all of us back, TK didn't ride his phantom...

Oh, recently SOF came for ex-secret(like I'd tell you!) and I was talking to one of their operatives. Was really a cool experience man! He even allowed me to handle the mp5 complete with the reflex sight! How cool is that?
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