Saturday, October 22, 2005

A new SOC timing!!!

After being knocked it down 100(yes it's true... and shiok!) before booking out I can finally say that I've improved my timing to *drum rolls* 8:49 mins!!! I'm back with a vengence! Can be better because I re-did one of the stations but nevermind, I'll do better for the next one. Been raining this past week at SAFTI and our FORCED... err I mean fast march was cancelled due to that(much to everyone's relief). After 5 weeks here, everyone's spirits aren't very high due to the lack of sleep(try sleeping 5 hours or less everyday) and the impending field camp at the "gates of hell" but it's not the field camp but the inevitable rain that'll be plagueing us... what to do? Take it positively whether or not we like it lor.

Yesterday during our demolitions test my assistant platoon commander asked the platoon: "Who here feels you have alot of potential and want to take up wing appointment?". Obviously no one volunteered. Later when I was doing my test on safety fuses at his station and out of the 10 of us there he asked me: "Lionel, you want to be wing appointment holder or not?" I went: "No sir." He asked: "Why?" and I said: "Headache ah". Could see he was quite disappointed but what really went through my mind was: "Sir, What I need is experience, I'm not even cadet platoon commander yet. I don't know whether I can tackle the job yet." Maybe I can volunteer for a wing appointment during pro term... maybe. But wah lau I think I might still kana arrowed to be wing appointment holder lor, I always kana arrowed to do appointments when it's the most hectic periods eg. ncc camps, bmt etc. Can I take a break from all of these? Besides, I don't know whether I can maintain the standards set by the current wing appointment holders(they're solid people). I'm still wondering why he asked me... maybe because I look like I can be tekaned? haha.

It's late and I have to study for my signals test on monday... sleep inducing stuff *yawns* : "hullo goose, maverick requesting for backup on sleep over" get what I mean?
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