Tuesday, May 24, 2005

The significance of today's date........

Alright! The original Star Wars was released in theatres 28 years ago today(25th May, 1 am Singapore time). It was a historic period as it changed the way movies were made and how we watch movies. Non Sci-Fi fans were converted and everyone started saying: "May the force be with you." And no, I have not watched "Sith", yet. Yeah I know, rather late for a fan(been one since I was 11) right? Not really since I've heard from alot of people that it's craptacular.Anyway, stay tuned for a full review of the movie next week(when I've watched it) which is non-biased(cuz Lucas didn't pay me a gazillion bucks to write a favourable one). Till then mes amis!
Another memorable line:
Luke: "But I'm not afraid." Yoda to Luke: "Good. You will be... you will be..."*nods head*
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