Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Meeting up with "Le Salopard"

Going back to Alliance Francaise always brings back fond memories of the friends I made there and about the "fun-filled" lecons(where I once had "war" in class with my teacher aka "Le Salopard", France vs Singapour! Guess who won?). Anyway, was supposed meet up with "Le Salopard" there today(Aujourd'hui). Guess what? Lesson cancelled and I wasted my trip down to AF. Called up "Le Salopard"(lets call him "L'encule" now) and he was in Isetan! WTH? Went down there and started talking all sorts of trash and had a great time hearing about his "travels". Then came the other 2 of my ex-french classmates and "TK Chew"(not from French Class) who when in combination with me created the infamous "Les trois garcons" who always created trouble for "L'encule" during lessons(which became the larger than life "La femme et trois garcons" due to the addition of Rin in later lessons). Even more trash talking ensued resulting in our little gang becoming more noisy at Mac's! haha. Chatted for around 1 hr and then "L'encule" had to go back to AF with "le pede" for lessons...... SOUR. Caught "Kingdom Of Heaven" with "Les Trois Garcons" and "TK Chew" after meeting up with "Encule". Abit boring and not very historically accurate(I know quite well the history of the crusades) cuz they demonize the Christians but seemed to conveniently forget the atrocities the Muslims also committed during that time hmmmm........ An entertaining popcorn movie none the less. "L'encule" already told us not to watch it(or at least watch it for the French babe, he's French wat!) cuz he thinks it's boring. Oh well, nevermind......... All in all, j'ai passe un moment tres agreable.
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