Sunday, April 10, 2005

Life after poly

Well, same as usual. Mandatory 3-6 hours of sleep but this time its because im mostly out of the house, or playing videogames till the wee hours of the night. Oh, and did i mention i blew off $1.5K of my attachment and inter-poly competition money in a week? Haha, today is different. Had to make some "special deliveries". So, after church(which was in the morning and i was already feeling tired by then) I cycled from Yew Tee to 6 different destintions on my trusty mtb...... only thing was that my tyre burst at the fourth destination(damned cck ave 4). Luckily, there was a bike shop nearby and i had my wallet handy but went home $7 poorer. Cycyled all the way to Bukit Batok and back. Would gladly do it again anytime or even better, increasing the distance! Anyone interested? Lemme Know and we arrange a biking session! Ok! it's 11.45pm. No, not time to sleep but videogames beckon! Au revoir mes amis!
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