Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Henceforth, I declare war on Carl’s Junior beef burgers
Bland, plain, tasteless. Oh and how in the world do we make onion rings with only one strand of onion that is covered with a thick layer or burnt flour? My home made onion rings are leaps and bounds better! BK and Mos Burger wins hands down(Whopper and Teriyaki burger!!!!). Ok CJ burgers are not all hopeless… The chicken burger with the bacon is good but only at Plaza Sing it’s good, well just that burger only lah. After my experience the rest are crap. I’ll never eat at the Marina CJ anymore… Oh and, how do I raise a complain that I’m not satisfied
Monday, October 08, 2007
Having a chinese celebration in a not so chinese country
Time to update my blog about what I’ve been doing since my last entry about work. Other than being a hermit 90% of the time. I did have a life for 10% of it. Other than my colleagues calling me out after work one of them was this moon cake festival celebration we had at my apartment, which I was forced to go. Company organised event. At first I didn’t want to go but since all my brothers from microlab, and 1 brother from chemical(wah, no unity leh) lab came I was more willing to go. Note: “more willing” doesn’t mean “want to go”.
So what did I do for moon cake celebrations? Dance for the fairies! Ok not exactly, but I had to dance for the ladies in office because my team won a challenge. The tie your leg to a partner and put a balloon between your necks contest. We didn’t even practice! Under normal circumstances, winning gets you a prize. For this challenge, We had to dance with our butts shaking. And after “dancing” the ladies would choose the better dancer to dance again. Needless to say lah, I won. I think those times I spent at Ritz Carlton ball room, Zouk and Liquid Room paid off? Maybe. And for all that effort what did u get? A glass mouse that I left in the apartment because my luggage was too heavy :D …and I didn’t know what I’ll do with it anyway. Might as well leave it there to scare people.
During my last week there, there were tonnes of blanjahing to do. At the same time, I also wanted to get rid of all my foreign cash. My brothers from Chemical and Micro lab were so lucky, they got blanjah twice! Round One, Lab friends. Round two, all the uncles :D. Round 3, people from round 1 and round 2 who could not make it, but chem and mirco lab bros came along anyway since Round 3 was my last day there so might as well call them out for a last lunch outing together. Was so touched when my friends from micro lab were helping me carry my heavy stuff on the way out.
And thus, here am I back in SG awaiting my next overseas assignment. I really cannot wait! This time I heard my hotel is right next door to the shopping district! Time to take out the cash! It’s shopping time! :P
…I hope.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
To my dear "brudder" this is for you, _|_
U made me miss a damned movie that I was dying to watch(bourne ultimatum came out over a month after it come out in SG!!! WTH are u doing? busy censoring things that dun even matter? oh what are ya gonna tell me? "we have to protect the morals of our people"? screw that, people who go around saying they're most holy are the most corrupted!), you deprived me of my shopping, you made me stay at the apartment unnecessarily, like a hermit. I'm terrified of leaving my apartment to explore my surroundings because i hear gun shots(you say you beefed up the police force? BACKSIDE AH!). THANK YOU FOR YOUR UNNECESSARY CENSORSHIP OF MOVIES. You made movie going boring(nowonder your citizens come here to watch movies), no wait, it plain sucked, you made movie going meaningless. For all the bullshit you offered to me, and the world, there's something positive, the people. Never have i imagined a colleague or friend(around my age) holding my hand as we walked across the road(it was purely heterosexual). And never have I imagined that when i left, my colleagues would pack a super big ang pao(big in their currency) for me! That is something you will never see in SG!
Yeah, I'm back in the cleanest city in the world! Anyone wanna meet me up? Gimme a ring! I'm flying off soon(only my good friends know where I'm headed to and when, if I didn't tell you... you're not in my circle, ok not really, I'm just afraid of being stalked). And yes, this is home truely. I have to admit, every time I come back I cannot help but smile, widely. The only time I was miserable when I came back was when I had to come back from visiting my darling, of course, I love her so much.