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Saturday, June 30, 2007
The first working blog
Hey people! Miss me? It’s been a week since I’ve left the country and so far everything’s going fine though I still miss everyone and most of all, you-know-who-you-are ~blehz~. Oh, did I mention that I smell like food everytime I go back to my condo? Hehe yes my employer provided me with a condo to stay in and I’ve got a cool Thai flatmate whom I call Ongbak! Wahahahaha! I also go jogging around my condo! There’s a swimming pool, gym, tennis court, a small mart and even a cafeteria!!! Can you believe that?!!? Food’s surprisingly not bad too. Even best is that my super duper GM will provide an internet access for my house so that I don’t need to use the free internet at Starbucks anymore(which I almost never use because the place I’m staying in is not very safe, especially at night… Singapore is still the best! …in terms of safety that is) and thus saving me some extra cash! Hope it comes soon though… Coming home to an internet-less home is really miserably boring! You start thinking of stuff that you miss dearly… in alphabetical order Family, GIRLFRIEND, Home. Guess I’ve been living a very sheltered life after all huh? My mom said its natural I feel that way because these are the factors where we receive love from. HOW TRUE!
How about work? So far the people I’ve met are generally nice. Since I’ve only been here for a week I can’t say too soon anyway. Work is going rather smoothly. First time doing experiments I was abit blur because I haven’t been doing lab work for so long my proficiency is at negative value but by god’s grace my second time was better by leaps and bounds that the 2 people guiding me said I’m fast! Hehe hope it’ll be the same as I progress through my work. The most difficult part of work is the colour part since I’m colour blind(like as if y’all didn’t know about that) and I’m having difficulty identifying some stuff. I still have so much to learn and frankly speaking, I’m enjoying it! This is the first time I enjoy working past office hours(I find myself working till 1830 when work ends at 1700)! In the army I always try to leave camp either ½ an hour or an hour early but in here, I’m so happy working! Must be the working environment I reckon. Anyway as the great Obi-wan said “you’ve taken the first step into a much larger world.” And that applies to me!
More adventures of Lionel and his amazing journeys in the working world coming up!
How about work? So far the people I’ve met are generally nice. Since I’ve only been here for a week I can’t say too soon anyway. Work is going rather smoothly. First time doing experiments I was abit blur because I haven’t been doing lab work for so long my proficiency is at negative value but by god’s grace my second time was better by leaps and bounds that the 2 people guiding me said I’m fast! Hehe hope it’ll be the same as I progress through my work. The most difficult part of work is the colour part since I’m colour blind(like as if y’all didn’t know about that) and I’m having difficulty identifying some stuff. I still have so much to learn and frankly speaking, I’m enjoying it! This is the first time I enjoy working past office hours(I find myself working till 1830 when work ends at 1700)! In the army I always try to leave camp either ½ an hour or an hour early but in here, I’m so happy working! Must be the working environment I reckon. Anyway as the great Obi-wan said “you’ve taken the first step into a much larger world.” And that applies to me!
More adventures of Lionel and his amazing journeys in the working world coming up!
Sunday, June 24, 2007
The REAL life begins now
Work starts tomorrow! I'll be outta the country friends! Will update when I have the time ok? Stay tuned for exciting updates! :P
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Now that's FAST!
I'm going overseas next week to start work already! 3 months away from the country! I thought I'll be working in SG for a week before packing my bag... I was SO wrong. Frankly, it took me off my guard. One week after I come home, the following week I'm told that I have to pack my bags and go off to another country. Time to earn a living and save for the future! Anyway i'll see when i can blog, if I can blog that is...
Friday, June 15, 2007
The fastest and bestest 6 days of my life!
The first time I post a picture in my blog and the honour goes to my wonderful and beautiful Girlfriend and best friend. Those six days spent there really flew by too fast! My only wish is that I could replay those 6 days again. I'm not going into the details of how i spent everyday there but rather I'll display the deeper essence of the time i spent there. Things that mere words cannot describe. And that is, well, love. Not only the love that I have for my girlfriend but the love I have for her family as well. And thank god she has a loving family that treats me like I'm one of their own. Oh and did I mention that I have a crush on her mom? Haha just kidding but yeah I like my girlfriend's mom very much. At first, her mom was against us being together(and I was terrified of her), now she's the one creating for us the opportunities to be together :)
Not only is her immediate family charming so is her extended family! Her grandma is an excellent cook who enjoys feeding me and I adore her cute 7 year old cousin Ruby! She's so CUTE and I like carrying her! She's so light haha unlike my sister wahahahaha :D Her uncle, Albert who is also Ruby's dad was so nice to allow us in his factory for a tour where he showed us
how the drinks and ice cream there are processed. It was the first time I set foot in an ice cream storage room! ...and froze because it was -25 degrees celcius! It was the first time in my life that jeans never felt warm hahaha
I've saved the best part for last. The pic with my girlfriend's family(my future in laws! wahahahaha :D) when we went to empire hotel.
Baby, I'll do my best to come soon and hopefully during the time which i said I would. Really can't wait for then to come. Je t'aime. Je t'aime. Tu est tres belle.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
I hate the weather but that's OK!
Because in afew days time I'll be visiting Amie! Goodness! I can't believe 6 months really passed by so quickly! Felt like as if I sent her to the airport yesterday and saw her off and in a blink of an eye I'll be going to see her soon! :) Pray that everything goes smoothly and that we're able to have more private time together. Oh did I mention that her parents are so kind to let me stay in their house for the duration on time that I'll be there? Hehe Thank god for that. I'm so happy and excited I cannot contain myself! ...I guess only Amie knows that since we're always chatting on skype and she can tell how excited, and how much I miss her, I am from the way I sound :P
Met Rebecca at Causeway point for dinner at Mos Burger today and my has she grown! The last time I saw her, which was 2 years ago, she looked like a 14 year old kid(she was 18 then) now she looks more grown up and better too. A very stark contrast(and i meant that in a positive way) compared to the time when we were studying at Alliance Francaise de Singapour. We initially wanted to chat for awhile before walking around but when we were done chatting it was already almost 10 and we met at 7! Anyway, I was glad I walked her home(My momma always said "you must send your female friends home when it's late regardless of whether they're your gf or not"), further convincing her that I'm a sheep in wolf's clothing meaning that I just act bad but I'm a good person(we coined that definition of me when we were arguing in school), because the place where she stays is a darn ulu place! It was like as if no one stays there. Void deck was so... void(pun intended). I didn't really feel safe lah.
Reached home past 11 when I sent her home at 1030 because I missed my train station by a stop. I was missing Amie so much I was too engrossed admiring her pics in my handphone while i was in the train I passed my station without even knowing it, She's my GIRLFRIEND of course I will miss her and admire her pics all the time! I'm not ashamed of that! Rather, I'm PROUD to admit it! YES! I admire Amie's pics all the time! Baby, I miss u so much! Really wanna spend quality time with u *hugs* hehe ~BLEHZ~
Lastly, the weather has been cruel to me for the past few time when I tried to go jogging. Mainly because when I leave the house the sky will be so sunny. When I start to jog I'll see clouds forming. After 6 minutes of jogging or less it'll start raining heavily for like 10 minutes! Forcing me to jog in the evening or even at night! Well, Ain't no rainy days when I go visit my darling Amie!
Met Rebecca at Causeway point for dinner at Mos Burger today and my has she grown! The last time I saw her, which was 2 years ago, she looked like a 14 year old kid(she was 18 then) now she looks more grown up and better too. A very stark contrast(and i meant that in a positive way) compared to the time when we were studying at Alliance Francaise de Singapour. We initially wanted to chat for awhile before walking around but when we were done chatting it was already almost 10 and we met at 7! Anyway, I was glad I walked her home(My momma always said "you must send your female friends home when it's late regardless of whether they're your gf or not"), further convincing her that I'm a sheep in wolf's clothing meaning that I just act bad but I'm a good person(we coined that definition of me when we were arguing in school), because the place where she stays is a darn ulu place! It was like as if no one stays there. Void deck was so... void(pun intended). I didn't really feel safe lah.
Reached home past 11 when I sent her home at 1030 because I missed my train station by a stop. I was missing Amie so much I was too engrossed admiring her pics in my handphone while i was in the train I passed my station without even knowing it, She's my GIRLFRIEND of course I will miss her and admire her pics all the time! I'm not ashamed of that! Rather, I'm PROUD to admit it! YES! I admire Amie's pics all the time! Baby, I miss u so much! Really wanna spend quality time with u *hugs* hehe ~BLEHZ~
Lastly, the weather has been cruel to me for the past few time when I tried to go jogging. Mainly because when I leave the house the sky will be so sunny. When I start to jog I'll see clouds forming. After 6 minutes of jogging or less it'll start raining heavily for like 10 minutes! Forcing me to jog in the evening or even at night! Well, Ain't no rainy days when I go visit my darling Amie!